Friday, February 9, 2024

TV show intro Music, creative Headspace, Writers Room


This post is mostly about writers rooms and showrunning from a creative producer standpoint. Some things that I want to share with people. The link is to a YouTube that I found that has this loop of House of Cards, Newsroom and the Madmen intro's. Those songs all get me fired up and thinking about producing/creating stuff. 

Creative Headspace:

I like to intentionally create a time and place for my writing. I create rituals around it and massage my process. Often this means letting ideas ferment and not writing them down until I have my appointed writing session time. The point is, I CREATE THE SPACE and TIME for my mind to just focus on an idea. Sometimes this is just a notes session, sometimes it's dialogue or a universe deep dive. Maybe one really cool plot point. No ideas or notes are wasted, your creating your foundation. 

Running Writers Rooms:

What I have learned from my last three writers rooms in which I have been the most experience head writer and usually showrunner/ CO - EP

1. A writers room has to have a structure. 

    You should have a list of what needs to get done, ideally that is written down and everyone has a             copy. If not that's ok, it should still be in a general idea folder in your mind. Eventually it will have         to be written down and mapped out of course but the first stage is to get the room going. 

    It should be a loose flexible structure that allows the people in the room to create. 

    Ideas are just ideas, good or bad consider everything seriously and keep it fun. 

    Keep the goals for the group in mind. Let them riff for a few minutes then go back to something that      still needs to be resolved or considered. When you do this, do it in a pause. DON'T EVER STOP            THE FLOW if it's resolving plot. 

2. A writers room must have trust and respect.

    No matter who is there, why they are there, START from a perspective that everyone there could            have a great idea. That's what writers rooms are about after all, ideas. Let other people have them.        Don't worry about you getting yours in the room. Keep it flowing and positive. Trust that you all            have a creative space together, that your there for a common goal of creating something, together. 

3. Curate the room before hand

    For Number 2 to work you must, MUST carefully construct the room of people you write with.            Sometimes you get thrown a curveball of a person, that's ok. Allow it to breathe for a few rounds of        ideas before you make any changes in staff once they are in the room. They might surprise you. Error     on the side of keeping people in the room if your not sure. Remember that list? That's your guiding        light in this case. All of that said, invite slow, uninvite fast. Bring people in carefully, get them out(if     they are damaging the idea's flow) quickly. 

Here is a crazy typewriter microphone in a whiskey glass AI image, Write & Drink Radio Podcast

That's all for now!

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