Monday, January 11, 2016

Give us $10,000.00 and we will tell you how bad your product is.

"Give us $10,000.00 and we will tell you how bad your product is. "

This is a service that many companies is the movie business will do for you. Although they will dress it up as many other things.Also known as justifying there own existence, giving a bad review because the reviewers would not be in optimal position to have the "in-house" project green lit. Of course they won't do this for free, even though you have been working for free for two years on your project. Of course, it will cost $10k, and that's a deal. Even though your supposed to be involved in a collective partnership of companies trying to make movies. The fact is, they have some guy they are paying $30.00 per script because he is still in film school and they can, read the script give notes then pass it to another more qualified person who scans the notes, make some more fills out a form and sends it upstairs. Now your project is in the persons hands who is supposed to be reviewing the script with the rest of the partnership.Almost immediately the FU label is stamped on it in a 30 second conversation that kinda happens and you get 4 sheets of paper worth $10k.  The $2,500.00 dollar a piece, sheets of paper are basically telling you that your script is garbage and that you need to bring "professionals" into the project...

The thing that stands out the most to me is the assumption that we wouldn't remember that the Directer/Writer and myself have already vetted this particular project MANY times. Which means we have taken it to other people(producers) of name and value that have said quite the opposite of this. WE HAVE DONE THIS MORE THAN ONCE! This script is over a dozen rewrites and nobody is afraid of that. We can hand a critique, in fact it is encouraged. Whey you get script feedback and project feedback that is this bad, sometimes you just have to laugh.

Especially when it comes with a, "Why are no actors attached?"

Well, let's see. Because your company is supposed to do that for us, we are in fact paying you to give us feedback based on the assumption that the talent you claim is "in house" will be attached. So this question is super stupid...oh wait I forgot you simply don't care. We didn't bring the millions of dollars to the table that you where going to steal from us. So you took the $10k and told us to go "f" off.

Welcome to Hollywood.....again